Number Integration

UK, Canada, China

Mathematical competencies can be conceptualized as layers of an onion, with fundamental numeracy skills as the core and more complex mathematical skills as additional layers over the core. My primary research interest has focused on the developmental course of number integration, including cardinal knowledge, ordinal knowledge, whole number arithmetic, and fraction knowledge. I am eager to develop widely accessible research tools aimed at assisting parents and educators in tracking children’s progress in number integration.

Fraction Development

UK, China

Since 2021, I’ve been examining the co-development of whole number arithmetic and conceptual and procedural fraction knowledge during the critical period of fraction learning for students. I am also interested in exploring the common misconceptions students encounter during this phase of learning and developing an evidence-based computer tutor that supplements classroom fraction learning to prevent students from falling behind.

Language Learning And Mathematics Achievement (LLAMA)

Canada, UK, France, and Chile

Since 2019, I have been collaborating with a number of world-renowned researchers on the LLAMA project, focusing on children’s acquisition of mathematics and language skills. This collaboration extends across researchers in Canada, the United Kingdom, France, and Chile. I am eager to continue advancing in the field of mathematical development, further investigating how cultural, language, and educational differences may influence academic achievement.

Home Numeracy Environment

Canada, Chile, China, UK

I have been working on several large international projects that examine the effects of the early home numeracy environment on the development of children’s mathematical skills across diverse populations, including North America, South America, China, and Europe. I am dedicated to ongoing cross-cultural research that explores global patterns of similarity and difference in home learning environments across cultures.